Sunday, 7 October 2012

My Support System, My Stewy <3

Every now and then it's good to just sit back and reflect on your life, especially as a diabetic. Reflecting about life and all the good and the bad can sometimes cause you to get upset since it reminds you of all the things that have changed, and in my case, the people you miss. Its like you want a break from life every once in a while because all of the things that have happened are just piling up, but then you remember that you can do it. There are sooo many more people in the world who have it worse than a type one diabetic, so you push yourself because you know that life never throws anything at you that you cant handle.

In the last year or so, Ive had my fair share of heart break and difficult situations whether they be friendships, family issues, or work related problems, but just lately I felt a totally different type of heart break. Not the kind where you find out your boyfriend cheated on you for the last 4 months (keep in mind though, this kind of heart break is completely brutal), but the kind where your strongest supporter moves away. The kind where the person you tell absolutely everything to needs to leave for her own benefit. And when you think about it, the issue is no longer about you anymore. Its her and what she needs to do thats best for her, but it still breaks your heart to pieces to see her go because her support is a lot of what keeps you going. This is for you Justyce:

Dear Justyce.
I honestly dont even know where to begin. Youre amazing girl, from the inside out. I have never had a friend who was literally a carbon copy of myself in every way possible. You have seriously changed my life in so many ways, and I am so glad that i had the opportunity to not only meet you, but to be there for you and be the best friend that i could possibly be to you. For the short time that we had together this year, I think I told you more than Ive probably told a lot of people, because I trust you with my entire life. You know all my goals, dreams, pet peeves, my weaknesses, my strengths, and my boundries. The best part though, is that you respect every single one of those things and dont judge me for any of them. From day one of meeting you, you've been there for me through everything since second semester of grade 11, from boys, to my health, to family issues, or just those bad days Id have from time to time. You were always the first person to ask me whats wrong and I could never keep anything from you. You were what kept me going some days. You always made sure to remind me to check my sugar when i was first diagnosed with diabetes, and to take my insulin when I needed to. When my sugar was low you were the first one to walk with me to get food whether it meant being late for class or leaving a table full of hot guys we were talking to. You are the perfect definition of a true friend. Even though you moved back home to be with your family, I want you to know that I will be strong for you. Whatever life throws my way, Ill push through it and Ill call you when things get too tough for me to deal with on my own anymore. I want you to never forget that I am always here for you too. Life hasnt exactly been fair to you either, but I'm always a phone call or text message away if you ever need it. You know that I'd drop whatever I was doing if you needed me for something. The minute christmas break comes around, Ill be on my way up to lake 'whateverthefuck' to see you. I wish we could have done something extra special together before you left, but shit happens and Im glad I got to be with you when your dad came to get you. Saying goodbye to you is probably one of the harder things Ive had to do in my life, but I know we'll be visiting eachother and I cant wait! Smile that beautiful smile of yours, and remember that everyone back home loves you, and is going to miss you so much! Walking the halls of assumption isnt going to be the same without you. I love you Justyce. Youre one of the best friends in the whole world and I respect you more than you'll ever know. Youll always be my Stewy! Have fun with your dad, I will see you as soon as i can!
Love you always,
Jenn xoxox <3

Goodbyes definitely aren't my thing, and stress as a diabetic can be difficult to handle sometimes, but when your stress is caused by someone who needs to leave, its much easier to look back and relax because you know they have to do it because its what is best for them. Regardless of how much Im going to miss her, I can reassure myself that everything will be okay, and I know Ill see her again. Three hour car ride cant be that long <3

This is just a song that really reminds me of our friendship and how justyce as helped me through everything