My sugar don't always behave. In all honestly, they've been quite a roller coaster the last week or so. One morning I woke up and they were normal, I was a bad decision maker and did not eat breakfast, and a few hours later they went up to 19. Then wildly enough, went down to 2.1 an hour and a half later. It was pretty crazy, and really made me want to just scream out "I QUIT". Days like these are what I consider "weak days". The days where I just wish diabetes wasn't a factor in my life and it just gave me a break every once in a while where I could go on a cookie binge, or eat all the skittles I wanted to. But as we know, diabetes has no mercy. It is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. It won't go away, even if I ask it to super nicely. But what if diabetes could talk? What if it could tell me when my sugar is getting too low or too high, or decide for me what I should eat for every meal one day? How awesome would that be? It could be that little voice that tells me to keep pushing through because otherwise I wouldn't be here anymore. Or maybe it could be that voice that guides me in the right direction when I don't know what to do. It could scold me when im craving cookies and chocolate, and pat me on the back when I devour a whole bundle of celery. It could chime up and be my alarm clock when it was time to take my long acting insulin, and tell you the best place in your stomach to put the needle instead of playing a guessing game everytime. It could tell you how long you have till your sugar goes below 4, or how long of a run you should go on everyday to maintain a healthy body. It would encourage me and tell me to keep going when I take part in the 5km run this march for the Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation and tell me to educate people about it so that others who are not affected can understand. It could tell me to ignore those who are ignorant towards it and embrace those who are interested and want to learn more to help. It could tell me when there is another type 1 in the room so that we can talk about our lives and how diabetes has helped us to grow into who we are now.
I'd love to sit down and talk to diabetes itself for a day. Theres many questions I'd love to ask as well. Like "why me?". But the fact of the matter is, I already know the answer. I'm diabetic because that is the way God chose to make me. It defines me and it brings out the best in me. So maybe that was Gods idea of giving diabetes a voice. He gave it to me to teach people and share my experiences. To show people that I'm not affraid of it and I can do it no matter what. To reveal the true face behind diabetes and everything it has to offer. Diabetes does have a voice. It has many voices, and many heartbeats. And each one of these voices helps eachother along, because we all have weak days, and we all struggle. Without the many voices of diabetes, everyday would be a weak day, and everyday would be a fight. Supporting eachother is the best possible thing people with Type 1 Diabetes can possibly do for eachother, even if they are half way around the world!