I know diabetes has been quite the battle for him lately, especially with the stress on his bodies of his other health issues, but regardless of all that, hes definitely been my biggest supporter since the day I went to the doctor and found out I had Type One Diabetes. Hes taught me a lot about diabetes, and before I even went to see the diabetic specialist and the nutritionist, I already knew a lot of what they were telling me from what my dad had previously told me the day before. Even though hes sick and cant really do too much, I still respect what he does for my family more than anything. I know if anything ever happened when finances and health benefits became an issue, he'd sell the clothes off his back if it meant that I'd be getting my insulin and three square meals a day. I'm so glad that my dads been there to help me out every step of the way with diabetes. When i was diagnosed, I at least had an idea of what it was instead of it all being completely new to me and not having any idea what anything is. Insulin was the only new thing that neither of us really knew much about except that it helps to bring down blood sugar levels, but we were both willing to learn about it if it meant saving my life. Everyday I'm so thankful for a dad as helpful as mine, and I'm so happy to be blessed with such an amazing support system, even if he does pronounce diabetes as "Di-a-beet-us" and it irritates the hell out of me. So happy one day belated birthday daddy, I hope your day was amazing because you deserve nothing less than the best. Regardless of whether both your kids are sick, I speak for both of me and Tyler, your the best daddy either of us could have, and we love you more than anything, & even when I'm married someday with kids, I'll always be your little princess <3
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